A Corporation acts like a group of facilities (eg. an academy). Within a corporation you can find players, coaches, events, affiliated venues, news, posts, tournaments and rankings.
Members receive a special badge.
A National Federation has a public profile in which players can apply to become federated. Within a Federation you can find players, events, affiliated facilities, news, posts, tournaments and rankings.
Federated players receive a special badge.
An Association has a public profile in which players can apply to become a member. Within a Association you can find players, events, news, posts, tournaments and rankings.
Associated players receive a special badge.
Each group of friends can create a private network. Within a Network you can find players, events, news, posts, proposals, tournaments and rankings.
Schools and Universities are able to join a special Golden Racket called Campus Racket. They get it for no cost at all. Within a Campus Racket you can find players, events, news, posts, proposals, tournaments and rankings.
A Civil Society Organization (CSO) who promote a community service for the development of tennis is special welcome on Tietennis. In recognition of their work we granted them a Golden Racket for no cost. Within it you can find players, events, news, posts, proposals, tournaments and rankings.